Marcie Rohr

Visual Artist

Studio YEG ART


“I paint in acrylics, translucent and fast drying and slowly build them up, sometimes over the course of years.”

“My works all have one thing in common: layers. Translucent or opaque, they are my way of reflecting on life's story of transformation, as it occurs in unwavering repetition and variety. Whether minute, incremental, or gargantuan and dramatic, it seems that existence itself can be summarized as an endless layering of change. My artistic practice has evolved into a meditation on this infinite progression. The oneness of body and land is a place that I muse on continually, and most of my works are explorations of this relationship. I sit with the poetic and scientific reality that the body is a wild symphony of elements that were once spat out of the sun, in sweeping transformative gestures. By internalizing this, and then engaging in my own expressions of creative formation, I enact the understanding that both sites of body and land are spaces where transformation is constant.


“In this latest series, Deep and Wide, I am continuing with these body/landscapes, and by referencing both geographic, and figurative forms, I explore transformation by forces in nature, and within the self. My works in Deep and Wide push through to the realm of spirit. Knowing that spirit is considered an archaic term, I employ it intentionally, inviting the viewer to consider notions of boundless mystery in all of life. Perhaps in viewing these works a tiny, wordless transformation awaits.”


Marcie’s works have one thing in common: Layers.


Marcie Rohr is a prolific abstract painter with a self-taught background, and education as a mature student. Graduating with honours from Emily Carr University of Art and Design’s Visual Arts Program in 2021, she was a recipient of an Emily Carr University Achievement Scholarship in 2018. Over the past two decades, Marcie has participated in several juried collective exhibitions as the Works Art and Design Festival, Toronto Outdoor Art Fair, Royal Bison Art and Craft Fair, and Upstream Gallery in upstate New York. She has held solo exhibitions at Harcourt House, Milner Gallery, and Bleeding Heart Art Space. She is represented by Aesthete Fine Arts Gallery in Prince George,BC. Her works have been collected by clients from Vancouver, Calgary, Montreal,

Toronto, New York, and Hong Kong.


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